$179.00 USD

Smart Baby Sleep System™ (3 months membership)

Thank you for trusting me with this most precious time in your life! You are purchasing an exclusive membership to the Smart Baby Sleep System and I can't wait to help you learn how to optimize sleep with NO distress for either you or your baby—including personalized interactive coaching in our private community!

What you'll get:

  • Six, 20-30 minute video lessons detailing the 3 Pillars of the Smart Baby Sleep System(™) and how to synergize them, optimizing your baby’s sleep naturally.
  • Interactive support inside my private community. Get exclusive access to guidance and personalized answers to your posted questions, as you implement the system for your baby. Responses from Angela most days within a few hours.
  • Charts, resources, replays of live training sessions, Q&As and FAQs to ensure a smooth transition from sleep deprivation hell to peace and satisfaction—knowing you are investing in your little one’s wellbeing for life!